Monthly Fusion – August 2022
Nuclear fusion, denial of aging, mid-term madness, Fauci and Walensky run for cover, 74 gender identities, treating Covid, a trashy pandemic, fearless Nina Simone
The cultish sounding Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere at Stanford University estimates the world will run out of oil by 2052 – 30 years. Natural gas will end by 2060 – about 40 years. Coal will be exhausted by 2090 – about 70 years. Energy giant BP offers a more generous estimate that the earth has 53 years of oil reserves left at current rates of consumption, with the discovery of new reserves likely to extend the deadline somewhat.

Energy sources labeled as “renewable” are not ready to replace fossil fuels at anything near current consumption rates, yet in September 2021, the Guardian, reflecting the consensus among those who believe climate change is an immediate civilizational emergency, said:
The vast majority of fossil fuel reserves owned today by countries and companies must remain in the ground if the climate crisis is to be ended.
Is this possible even theoretically? Although usage statistics vary slightly by data source, fossil fuels supplied 83.1% of world energy consumption in 2020; hydro and nuclear yielded 11.2%; and renewables such as wind and solar produced only 5.7%. Wind and solar also have horrific environmental impacts and disposability problems of their own. Further, China dominates solar panel production globally with 80% of the market, expected to rise to 95% by 2025.
A transition to renewables sufficient to meet the very aggressive Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) of the United Nation’s “Agenda 2030," to which 193 nations are signatory, would require the most massive reconfiguration of global social, economic and political life in human history. The entire 91 point program can be read here.
The World Economic Forum, which works closely with the perpetually bankrupt UN, has codified Agenda 2030 goals in their much touted “Great Reset,” declaring unilaterally that with the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic:
There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate…to improve the state of the world. This initiative will…help inform…the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.
How much will the hubris of the Great Reset/Agenda 2030 cost? In September 2021, the UN published a report announcing that it needed $100 trillion over the next decade.
Global goals tackling poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change face a $100 trillion funding shortfall and are likely to be missed unless 10% of global economic output is directed to U.N. targets every year to 2030.
Meanwhile on the domestic front, the US Energy Information Administration reported that home heating oil prices were up $2.26 per gallon in 2021, while propane was up $0.69 per gallon. June 2022 automotive gasoline prices were up $1.92 per gallon, hitting historic highs above $5.00 per gallon nationwide.
Even the most ardent climate activist should be able to see that Agenda 2030/Great Reset is not ready for prime time. The CIA characterized SDGs as “utopian” years ago. Yet the 2030 agenda is already well underway in 2022. Even the George Soros funded Open Democracy media organization with its globalist orientation opines with alarm, “…there is something fishy about the Great Reset… It’s a corporate takeover of global governance that affects our food, our data and our vaccines.”
Into this alternately apocalyptic and messianic utopian morass, a very tiny ray of light has recently appeared at the JET Fusion facility in the UK in the form of a major advance in nuclear fusion. The Ray Kurzweil futurist newsletter reports:
Researchers have exceeded the current record for generating energy from a nuclear fusion reaction. It’s a big step toward solving the world power consumption crisis. Nuclear fusion is called the holy grail of energy production — because it could lead to a virtually unlimited source of safe + sustainable power.
One of the scientists involved in the project, Joe Milnes, PhD, said, “I do think we’ll see commercial fusion in our lifetime.”
While the world is waiting for fusion to become commercially viable or flirting with undemocratic top down schemes from the UN and WEF, perhaps it is worth considering more traditional solutions that can actually help dramatically within a few years.
These solutions might include producing more power from nuclear fission with stronger safeguards; moving toward a new mix of fossil fuels in combination with increased efficiency in ways that are “compatible with limiting global temperature increases to well below 2°C”; and creating a more energy efficient mix of transportation options that includes “…efficient ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles using low-carbon fuels, hybrids, battery electric and hydrogen vehicles.”
Relying on an elite driven “planetary emergency” to advance an agenda that the Transnational Institute has labeled “a silent global coup d’etat” to rapidly transition to expensive and ultimately fossil fuel dependent electric vehicles and environmentally destructive “renewables” in less than a decade is a recipe for authoritarian dystopia.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases since 1984, announced August 22nd that he would step down in December 2022, after more than a half-century as a government health bureaucrat.
The timing of his retirement is clearly political. Republicans are expected to recapture the House in the Nov. 2022 mid-terms and have vowed to mount a “…full throated investigation into the origins of the pandemic." Fauci is likely to face intense scrutiny over his authorization of gain of function research in Wuhan as well as his disastrous pandemic policy recommendations.
Pierre Kory, M.D., president of Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), issued a statement declaring that “Virtually all of our governments’ failed pandemic policies can be traced back to Dr. Fauci, from lockdowns to indiscriminate vaccinations to vaccine mandates.”
In a staggeringly hypocritical about face the same week that amounts to an admission of nearly total failure, CDC Director Rochelle Walinsky announced August 17, 2022, that after multiple reviews faulted CDC pandemic responses, there would be a “sweeping reorganization aimed at changing the agency's culture and restoring public trust.”
Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, noted that Walensky’s announcement “…covers everything except the fundamental problem to which the director and the external reviewer are blind: industry subservience and epidemiologic incompetence.”
Jeffry Tucker, Founder of the Brownstone Institute, notes the sham nature of the proposed organizational makeover:
The CDC believes the real problem was that it did not have a high-enough budget and enough power. Therefore, its tremendous pandemic powers [are now going] to be invested…in a division known as the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
The CDC’s proposed reorganization would actually weaken state control and consolidate power in Washington, DC. As an alternative, Tucker recommends abolishing the CDC.
A better solution would be to abolish the CDC. States can handle all its responsibilities. It did not even exist until 1947. Its purpose was mosquito control, spraying a now-banned chemical (DDT) everywhere. These days we handle that by going to Home Depot.
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that either Fauci or Walensky or the agencies they lead will be held to account. There is still a large bipartisan Congressional contingent willing to go along with bigger CDC and NIH budgets and the continued medicalization of politics.
A recent article published by Aeon Magazine titled “Old not Other” explores Simone de Beauvoir’s answer to the question, “Why do we neglect and disdain the one vulnerable group we all eventually will join?”
Beauvoir’s answer relied heavily on the idea of “bad faith.”
Old age arouses a visceral aversion, often a ‘biological repugnance’. Many attempt to push it as far away as possible, denying that it will ever happen, even though we know it already dwells within us.
In fleeing from our own old age, we also seek to distance ourselves from its harbingers – from those who are already old: they are ‘the Other’.
The article presents a deeply insightful look at the “four ages” of human life, noting that those who reach advanced old age “…seem to be the inhabitants of cut-off, different worlds. Theirs are worlds that most of us do not know how to enter, and that we have difficulty imagining.”
These questions are especially resonant during the time of Covid, because age has become another vector of division. People over 75 are 1,000 times more likely to die from the virus than teenagers, who have named Covid the “boomer remover” to express their contempt for medically vulnerable “baby boomers” approaching old age and infirmity.
Did you know that if you “identify” as male or female, you are ignoring 72 additional “gender identities?” In an article published at Medicine Net after being reviewed by two MD's, it is announced that:
“Gender is no [longer] regarded as a binary concept where one can either be a male or a female. It has emerged as a continuum or spectrum where one can identify as any of the gender identities. The idea is to make everyone feel comfortable in their skin irrespective of what gender they were assigned at birth.”
Among my favorites are:
Abimegender: Associated with being profound, deep, and infinite.
Colorgender: In this category, colors are used to describe gender, for example, pink gender or black gender.
Condigender: The person feels their gender only under specific circumstances.
Esspigender: The individual relates their gender identity with spirits.
Genderfuzz: More than one gender is blurred together.
Mirrorgender: Changing one's gender type based on the people surrounding.
I hope this handy guide helps you find your “emerging” gender niche.
In July, I had Covid and self-treated. In spite of being in a “high risk” group, I knocked it out within a week by following FLCCC early treatment protocols. These protocols can be downloaded in multiple languages as PDF files.
A brief article titled “Miss Rona Comes to Visit” details my experience.
In the first months after the World Health Organization’s (WHO) March 11, 2020, declaration of a global pandemic due to Covid-19, the CDC began recommending the use of face masks.
In a July 14, 2020 advisory, CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield stated:
“We are not defenseless against COVID-19. Cloth face coverings are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus – particularly when used universally within a community setting.”
Just 18 months later, on January 16, 2022, the CDC updated its “guidance” on face masks, saying “loosely woven cloth masks offer the least protection against COVID-19 and N95 and KN95 masks offer the most.”
The majority of masks used during the pandemic are made of non-woven thermoplastic polymer fabric that takes up to 450 years to achieve biodegradation. Unfortunately, N95 & KN95 masks make the problem worse because they are the most toxic & polluting.
An astounding 3 million face masks are used every minute during the COVID–19 pandemic. Scientists have warned of this mountain of…trash…describing it as a disaster that might last generations.
It's not just litter on land, but in the oceans too, and in mind-boggling volume: over 1.5 billion face masks may have washed into the ocean last year alone.
I am working on a new initiative tentatively titled the Dead Mask Project to publicize the problem and lobby for sane solutions. We hope to launch within the next 6 to 8 weeks. Subscribe to be notified.
“I’ll tell you what freedom is for me, no fear.” — Nina Simone
I recently rediscovered Nina Simone’s multi-layered, multi-genre music and her political fearlessness. In her autobiography she writes that her function as an artist is “…to make people feel on a deep level. It’s difficult to describe because it’s not something you can analyze; it’s like electricity hanging in the air.”
We could use more of this kind of fierce independence today, especially the refusal to succumb to irrational fearmongering.