Sep 5, 2022Liked by Michael Meurer

Btw, our email is seattle4assange@proton.me


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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Michael Meurer

Sadly, most Americans just don't get that deep with the movies they consume. The few messages that they do seem to take away from Hollywood are the virtuousness of the US military (and superheroes), the evilness of foreigners, and the near religious faith they place in tech to save our sorry asses. Anyone making a truly critical movie of the establishment will be ignored, or at best downplayed. At worst, they will be targeted in a variety of ways. No wonder there are so few whistle-blowers and mega-artists willing to speak out against the system. Perhaps the biggest exception to this today is Pink Floyd's Roger Waters, who our seattle4assange group is supporting at the Tacoma show on Saturday, September 17th.

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